For this project we are going to need to index squares on the board. Thus, its probably a good idea to write some helper functions. For example:

  • 'get_square' -- takes a board and a position(x,y), returns the value of square (x,y).
  • 'set_square' -- takes a board and a position(x,y) and new_val. We then change value of square(x,y) to new_val.

In future we will be able to use these functions inside other functions. This will hopefully save a bit of time and avoid a few bugs!

In [1]:
def test():
    Write your tests here...
    >>> 1 + 1
    import doctest
    print("TESTING COMPLETE... if you see nothing, (other than this message) that means all tests passed.")

In [ ]:
def get_square(x, y, board):
    This function takes a board and returns the value at that square(x,y).
    # Your code here.

def set_square(x, y, new_val, board):
    This function indexes into the given board at position (x, y).
    We then change that value to new_val. Returns nothing.
    # Your code here.

# Runing the tests...
# Note if you recieve an error message saying test_board not found 
# try hitting the run button on the test_board cell and try again.